Talos Rules 2025-02-20
This release adds and modifies rules in several categories.

Talos has added and modified multiple rules in the browser-ie, file-pdf, malware-cnc, malware-other and server-webapp rule sets to provide coverage for emerging threats from these technologies.

For information about Snort Subscriber Rulesets available for purchase, please visit the Snort product page.

Change logs

2025-02-20 12:49:55 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-20

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2092000.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64576 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:64577 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64578 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer header buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64579 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64580 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64581 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64582 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64583 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64584 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64585 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64586 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64587 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64588 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64589 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64590 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64591 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64592 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:64593 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)
 * 3:64594 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51825 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)

2025-02-20 12:49:55 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-20

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091900.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64588 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64578 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer header buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64589 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64577 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64580 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64581 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64582 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64583 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64584 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64585 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64586 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64587 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64576 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:64590 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64591 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64592 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64579 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 3:64594 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)
 * 3:64593 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51825 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)

2025-02-20 12:49:55 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-20

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091801.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64589 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64590 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64592 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64591 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64576 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:64579 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64581 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64582 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64583 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64578 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer header buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64584 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64585 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64586 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64587 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64577 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64580 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64588 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 3:64593 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)
 * 3:64594 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51825 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)

2025-02-20 12:49:55 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-20

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091701.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64589 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64585 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64588 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64591 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64587 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64590 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64581 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64578 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer header buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64576 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:64586 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64577 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64584 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64582 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64583 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64579 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64592 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64580 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 3:64593 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)
 * 3:64594 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51825 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)

2025-02-20 12:49:55 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-20

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091700.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64581 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64580 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64576 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:64583 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64582 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64584 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64585 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64586 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64587 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64579 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64578 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer header buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64577 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64591 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64588 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64589 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64592 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64590 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:64593 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)
 * 3:64594 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51825 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)

2025-02-20 12:49:55 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-20

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091601.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64592 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64589 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64588 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64587 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64590 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64577 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64578 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer header buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64579 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64581 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64583 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64585 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64582 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64580 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64586 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64584 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64591 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64576 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 3:64593 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)
 * 3:64594 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51825 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)

2025-02-20 12:49:55 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-20

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091600.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64592 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64589 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64577 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64591 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64578 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer header buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64582 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64576 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:64581 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64580 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64584 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64586 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64585 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64579 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64587 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64588 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64590 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64583 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 3:64594 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)
 * 3:64593 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51825 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)

2025-02-20 12:49:55 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-20

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091501.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64579 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64590 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64578 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer header buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64589 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64591 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64592 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64577 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64588 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64581 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64582 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64583 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64584 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64585 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64586 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64576 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:64587 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64580 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 3:64594 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)
 * 3:64593 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51825 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)

2025-02-20 12:49:55 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-20

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091401.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64586 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64587 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64590 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64592 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64581 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64577 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64583 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64588 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64579 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64576 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:64591 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64585 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64582 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64578 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer header buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64589 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64584 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64580 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 3:64593 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)
 * 3:64594 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51825 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)

2025-02-20 12:49:55 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-20

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091300.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64583 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64576 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:64577 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64581 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64584 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64578 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer header buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64580 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64585 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64586 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64587 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64588 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64579 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64589 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64582 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64592 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64590 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64591 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 3:64594 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)
 * 3:64593 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51825 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)

2025-02-20 12:49:55 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-20

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version 2091101.

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Default rule state <-> Message (rule group)

New Rules:

 * 1:64590 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64578 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer header buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64589 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64577 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt (server-other.rules)
 * 1:64592 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64576 <-> DISABLED <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt (browser-ie.rules)
 * 1:64588 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt (server-webapp.rules)
 * 1:64581 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64582 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64583 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64584 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64591 <-> ENABLED <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt (malware-cnc.rules)
 * 1:64579 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64585 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64580 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64586 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 1:64587 <-> DISABLED <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt (malware-other.rules)
 * 3:64593 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)
 * 3:64594 <-> ENABLED <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt (file-pdf.rules)

Modified Rules:

 * 1:51825 <-> DISABLED <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt (server-other.rules)

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt

2025-02-20 12:52:53 UTC

Snort Subscriber Rules Update

Date: 2025-02-19-001

This is the complete list of rules modified and added in the Cisco Talos Certified rule pack for Snort version

The format of the file is:

gid:sid <-> Message

New Rules:

* 1:301144 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP HEAD request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:301145 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Ios.Worm.Ikee variant download attempt
* 1:301146 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Liberty variant download attempt
* 1:301147 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Phage variant download attempt
* 1:301148 <-> MALWARE-OTHER PalmOS.Trojan.Vapor variant download attempt
* 1:64576 <-> BROWSER-IE Microsoft Internet Explorer pastHTML use after free attempt
* 1:64577 <-> SERVER-OTHER Nero MediaHome NMMediaServerService.dll denial of service attempt
* 1:64578 <-> SERVER-OTHER Multiple products HTTP referer request buffer overflow attempt
* 1:64587 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Email.Phishing.Koi stealer phishing attempt
* 1:64588 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:64589 <-> MALWARE-OTHER Unix.Trojan.Helldown variant upload attempt
* 1:64590 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64591 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 1:64592 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Trojan.StayinAlive outbound connection attempt
* 3:64593 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt
* 3:64594 <-> FILE-PDF TRUFFLEHUNTER TALOS-2025-2136 attack attempt

Modified Rules:

* 1:51825 <-> SERVER-OTHER Talkative IRC buffer overflow attempt
* 1:60889 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:60890 <-> SERVER-WEBAPP ES File Explorer File Manager policy bypass attempt
* 1:63106 <-> MALWARE-CNC Js.Malware.Gootloader variant outbound connection
* 1:64167 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64168 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt
* 1:64169 <-> MALWARE-CNC Win.Stealer.Lumma variant outbound connection attempt